
Check out our newest newsletter – afterhours. Find out about what goes on in our school after hours, read some creative pieces on our interpretation of this topic, brush up your current affairs, listen to podcasts, enjoy book reviews and have fun with some puzzles in this fun newsletter! brought to you by The JournalismContinue reading “Afterhours”

Afterlife (a Journsplit take)

by Skylar What’s the worst that could happen after death? Well, various cultures have diverse interpretations of the afterlife and lingering spirits that will always keep the past alive… Check out our analysis on the subject!  P.S. you might want to listen to the end instead of just reading the transcript to get some extraContinue reading “Afterlife (a Journsplit take)”


Calliope is a session in Journalism where we gather to write and share pieces based on the selected topic! This week’s theme is Obstacles! (something highly relevant during CT season… or really any time during our 6 years at NUSH) Ariel Frustrated the only breadths which separate the union of our blood, are the thornyContinue reading “Obstacles”

The Horror Of Atlantis

by Zachary Seah In the winter of 1882, my grandfather, the aged naturalist and historian, Professor Wade, had been trapped and injured in an earthquake that destroyed his Himalayan lodgings. It is not known what he suffered while in there, for never has he been coherent enough to recount it to me or anyone, butContinue reading “The Horror Of Atlantis”