Ronald – Part 1

A play by Danyson and Eleos T(It is 6.01 PM. RICK was just dismissed from CCA in school. The sky is grey and cloudy.)  RICK: Hmmm, the sky is so dark now. I better hurry home before I get caught in the rain.  (RICK walks to the back gate of school, but he sees aContinue reading “Ronald – Part 1”

The Aftermath

A play by Cheng Jie Narrator: The year is 2050. Humanity has been decimated to a mere hundred thousand people who have all gathered on the island of Singapore. The pandemic resulted in mass burnings of bodies and has adversely affected everyone. Thankfully, a vaccine was developed just before humanity was completely wiped out. LittleContinue reading “The Aftermath”

Journsplit: Shrek

Whether you consider Shrek an all star or just a mediogre movie, you’ll probably enjoy this episode of Journsplit, where Aditi and Ryan discuss actors, accents, and try not to go ogre-board with the puns. Person 1: Hi everyone! Welcome back to Journsplit! Today we will be talking about the eight time award winning movie,Continue reading “Journsplit: Shrek”